Take full advantage of your membership by contributing a few hours of your time. It will help you to create links with others who are passionate about language, to develop new skills, to participate in the promotion of editorial services and to contribute to the creation of a true professional community. You can commit to as little as a couple of hours for a time-specific, event-based project or event. Anyone wishing to lead projects, develop strategies, or put their skills and experience to work in a meaningful way is welcome to fill a more permanent position.
Editors Canada/Réviseurs Canada is a non-profit organization whose activities are largely volunteer based. Volunteers in our branch are supported by the National Executive Committee and by the Executive Council of Editors Québec.
Become part of a great community – volunteer for Editors Québec!
For more information, contact us.
Occasional Involvement
Communications and marketing
- Help the Communications Chair add pertinent English tweets to our Twitter feed.
- Assist the Communications Chair in posting branch news or interesting links in English on our Facebook page.
- Send a welcome email to new members of Editors Québec.
- Speak to students and other interested groups about Editors Canada.
- Update the FAQs on the Editors Québec website.
- Write the presentation text for positions on the Executive Council of Editors Québec.
- Create email links for those who would like to get to know other members in their area, as part of the new Local Networking initiative.
- Prepare an exit questionnaire to be given to editors who do not renew their membership.
- Contact editors who do not renew their membership to ask them to fill out the exit questionnaire.
Organization and planning
- Organize a professional development seminar with the support of the Executive Council (the person who organizes a seminar can participate for free).
- Participate in the practical organization of a seminar: choose a caterer, reserve a projector, etc.
- Provide logistical support for a seminar: welcome the trainer, set up the projector, coordinate with the caterer on arrival, etc.
- Organize a networking event in your region.
- Provide the names and contact information of people or organizations in your circle that we can tell you about our professional development activities.
- Suggest locations for our networking activities in Montréal, Québec City or elsewhere.
- Find affordable seminar locations that respond to our needs.
- Prepare a list of educational institutions in your region that offer editorial courses or programs.
- Find out who to contact in educational institutions (program director, professor…) to organize an Editors Canada presentation for students.
- Prepare a list of events in your region where Editors Canada can set up a booth or make a presentation: conferences, job fairs, etc.
- Prepare regional lists of useful resources for in-house and freelance editors to post on our website.
Linguistic support
- Update the style guide for editing association documents.
- Edit texts and reports produced by the Executive Council.
- Translate texts and reports produced by the Executive Committee from French to English.
- Edit texts posted on the Editors Québec website.
- Edit texts posted on Gifttool for Editors Québec event registration pages.
Longer-term involvement
Social Media Committee
Editors Québec is seeking a creative and dynamic individual to build/create and manage our social media campaigns. As the volunteer Social Media Chair, you will drive the research and implementation of a bilingual social media strategy for Editors Québec and use social media to promote the branch, editors and events. The ideal candidate is bilingual, has experience working with social media tools (Twitter, Facebook, Google+), is willing to update pages regularly, and lives anywhere in Québec or Atlantic Canada. We’re also looking for coordinators to help support our social media efforts.
Communications Committee
The Communications Chair is responsible for publicizing and communicating news and events regarding Editors Québec to its membership and to the community in general.
The Communications Chair’s work is made easier through the support of volunteer members. Any member in good standing is eligible to join this committee. No previous experience is necessary. Since the duties of committee members can be done via email, these positions are perfect for people who live outside the Montréal area.
Translators and Editors
Unlike the other branches of Editors Canada/Réviseurs Canada, Editors Québec has the challenge of providing services and information in both English and French. The branch is therefore always in need of someone who can translate its communications documents, primarily from English to French, but sometimes also from French to English. The translation tasks are often quite short (just a paragraph or two); some, occasionally, are longer. Ditto for editing tasks. Send us your name if you’d like to practice or share your translation and/or editing skills, or either one, on an ad-hoc basis. Having a team of volunteer translators would ensure our communications go out in a timely (and well-written) fashion.
Professional Development Committee
Editors Québec strives to provide professional development opportunities to its members by offering a variety of seminars and workshops. These activities have proven to be very popular with both members and non-members. The Professional Development Chairs (English and French) are looking for members to help instructors set up, clean up, and run seminars, introduce the organization to non-member participants, and write a summary of the event. The bonus: you get to sit in on the seminar for free!
Programs/Social Events Committee
Social events are a great way to meet other members, network and simply to have fun! The Membership/Social Events Chair is responsible for organizing and publicizing membership networking activities and social events. Committee members are creative people who come up with venues, themes, find speakers (or offer to be one) on any editing- or language-related subject. Sometimes we need help with something special—from working miracles with a spreadsheet to planning a party. Do you have an idea for an event? We would love to hear from you!